Our Services
Oil Tank Removal & Installations
Tank Removal
Tank removal requires specialized skills and knowledge. SSG-BARCO is fully certified with the NJDEP for Tank Closure, all our operators are experienced in small and large tank removals and maintain their OSHA and DOT certifications. We work in tandem with many residential clients and consulting companies providing the expertise needed to safely and efficiently remove underground tanks. Since every client needs a different level of service, we have licensed individuals on staff to provide all professional services such as tank registration, permitting, sampling and closure reporting. Our standard procedures have been developed with the property owner in mind. We mobilize vacuum trucks to every tank pull for liquid containment and to avoid drumming up waste. We will check out the site prior to arrival and mobilize the right sized machine for the job. We discuss safety as it pertains to the specific job during the morning tool box safety meeting. When the job is complete the site will be backfilled to grade and compacted. We will provide you with all the required documentation. We will include scrap receipts, permits, certified clean fill documentation and waste manifests as needed. We maintain field notes and photo documentation on file. We also perform removal of any size above ground tanks.Tank Installation
We believe in environmental safety and recommend double wall ROTH® Safety Tanks as replacements for underground tanks. We routinely remove an underground tank and install a new aboveground tank all in one day, disposing of sludges and transferring the good oil to your new tank. Our installations are performed by a crew of courteous, well-trained, OSHA certified and ROTH certified technicians. Tank manufacturers offer many different tank sizes, coatings, and configurations. SSG-BARCO stocks tanks in a variety of sizes and configurations for fast reliable service.
All Above Ground Tanks are installed in accordance with local codes. New fill and vent pipes are installed from the tank to the exterior of the building. The tank will be equipped with a new oil level gauge, vent alarm and deaerator to prevent overfilling. A new oil line will be run overhead from the tank to the heater.
Contaminated Soil Remediation
Excavation is the most common solution to environmental cleanups. Soils are removed and transported to licensed recycling facilities. Following excavation, soil samples are obtained and analyzed to document the effectiveness of the remediation. We maintain a variety of excavators and loaders to accommodate any sized excavation project. We can mobilize vacuum trucks to aid in dewatering when necessary. We rely on third party structural engineers to design site specific structural support systems as needed. Working closely with the leaders in the support industry, we can remove impacted soils from under foundations allowing for site closures.
Geoprobe drilling
Delineation:SSG-BARCO provides Geoprobe® direct-push drilling technology to assist clients and other environmental consultants in the collection of samples during site investigations. Our expertise in sampling in the right locations using the right equipment is invaluable to our customers. We have three rigs available to satisfy all sites. For limited access sites we can employ a small tripod Geoprobe ® 420M unit capable of working inside basements and fitting through a standard doorway.For other sites we use a 4-Wheel drive skid-steer mounted unit, the Geoprobe® 540B which allows access to rougher terrain and/or tighter areas. Where power is required we can mobilize a track mounted Geoprobe® 7822DT unit. SSG-BARCO has the necessary equipment, OSHA Trained personnel and experience to perform soil borings, soil sampling and groundwater sampling in support of Geotechnical and Environmental Projects. We understand your sampling needs and will recommend the right equipment for the job. Time is critical, most projects can be scheduled in one to two weeks. Sampling equipment and services are coordinated by our Licensed well driller.
Well InstallationOur licensed well driller will apply for a NJDEP well permit. We utilize hollow stem augers to install 4″ diameter monitoring wells using a track mounted Geoprobe® 7822DT unit. The unit is small enough to access most sites yet has the power to get the job done. For sites where rock is encountered, we can install a two inch well using a modified air rotary technique. SSG-BARCO can utilize air rotary/hollow stem auger drilling methodologies to install the following types of wells:• Monitoring wells - to track and access contaminants in the water table. • Recovery wells - to collect impacted water into treatment systems for purification • Injection Wells – supporting for insitu bioremediation and chemical oxidation• Piezometers - temporary wells for sampling groundwater
GeotechnicalStructural and Civil engineers require geotechnical evaluations of soils to properly design foundation supports. Using the track mounted Geoprobe® 7822DT unit with an auto drop hammer, we are capable of performing geotechnical evaluations for the professional engineer. The auger rig is equipped with a split spoon sampler, teflon bailers and other necessary tools for soil or water sampling and monitor well installation. The 7822 DT is equipped with automatic hammers for driving split spoon samplers.
GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES and CAPABILITIES• Soil Sampling• Geotechnical Instrument Installation: Piezometers• Monitoring, recovery and de-watering wells• Soil boring, soil and water sampling• Foundation Investigations
GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES and CAPABILITIES• Soil Sampling• Geotechnical Instrument Installation: Piezometers• Monitoring, recovery and de-watering wells• Soil boring, soil and water sampling• Foundation Investigations
Project Management
Phase I and Preliminary AssessmentsSSG-BARCO performs Phase I consulting services by many lending institutions and law firms. A majority of financial institutions require environmental due diligence as a condition of releasing commercial and industrial loans.SSG-BARCO adheres to current industry, state and federal guidelines for conducting environmental assessments. SSG-BARCO utilizes established protocols for Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment in accordance with the standards described in ASTM E 1527. Going beyond a standard Phase 1, SSG-BARCO strives to identify the financial risk for each potential recognized environmental condition discovered in the Phase I assessment. SSG-BARCO interprets the findings and explains the results in terms of the risk to the business transaction. Phase IISpeed is often critical, time is money. We realize fast accurate results are important. SSG-BARCO has in-house drilling equipment (Geoprobe) available for fast soil and groundwater sampling. We don’t rely on subcontractors and therefore can offer a complete and timely service.
LSRP Services The Site Remediation Reform Act set forth sweeping changes to the way in which sites are remediated in New Jersey. SRRA established the affirmative obligation for responsible parties to remediate contaminated sites in a timely manner and created a category of remediation professionals known as Licensed Site Remediation professionals (LSRP). As of May 7, 2012, with limited exceptions, all remediations in the state of New Jersey, without regard to when remediation was initiated, are to proceed under the supervision of a Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP), without New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (Department) approval following the nine requirements set forth at N.J.S.A. 58:10B-1.3b(1) through (9).As an LSRP, we can directly oversee and supervise all aspects of remediation and issue a Remedial Action Outcome (RAO) upon completion or personally review and accept all of the referenced remediation from another contractor.